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Two core values for Australian advanced and predictive data analytics company, Toustone are offering excellence and walking your talk.

This is why the company has carefully selected experts from diverse backgrounds in terms of experience, skills, and culture to form its Sustainability Advisory Board (SAB).Their role is to ensure that Environmental Social and Governance (ESG) values are central to all the company’s work.

Toustone Chair of the Sustainability Advisory Board, Craig Manson said he was extremely proud of the new board, which is made up of data experienced and knowledgeable sustainability leaders.

“The Toustone Sustainability Advisory Board (SAB) has been established to bring senior experts in the fields of sustainability, technology and consulting into the Toustone business to ensure we continue to offer best practice,”

Craig said.

“Their role is to bring expertise to bear on our offering and to hold us to account for our performance and ongoing continuous improvement in this market. We are delighted to be working alongside this impressive group.”

One SAB board member, Damon Pezaro, with extensive experience in creating human-centred products, said he was incredibly honoured to be a part of guiding an exciting and empowering offering like Toustone’s Sustainability Suite.

“The standard Toustone offer when it comes to data analytics really do set them apart,”

Damon said.

“Given my background working in technology companies, it should be no surprise then that I am excited about the role of innovation and technology in driving environmental sustainability.

Sustainability Suite is the best solution on the market that I have come across which combines advancements in Artificial Intelligence and some of the best data analysts, ESG strategists and business minds in Australia.”

Toustone’s Sustainability Advisory Board includes Jamie Azzopardi,
Jo Willoughby, Damon Pezaro, Craig Lefoe and Craig Manson.

About Toustone

Toustone is an Australian advanced analytics and Decision Intelligence (DI) company driven by confident and seasoned data experts. It recently celebrated 10 years in business.

We help Australian leaders gain clarity of the current and future state of their business, so they can apply DI to make confident and smart decisions to find their edge. We do this by identifying, cleaning, unifying, and automating key data, based on each businesses specific goals, whether company-wide, department or project-based.

Toustone also has its own predictive analytics products that address common business growth and financial goals, like RetainMember, RetainTalent, and Sustainability Suite.

Sustainability Suite, for example, helps companies easily track and report on their performance against government mandates, their own sustainability targets and ESG goals. We do this through a combination of expert advice and the Toustone Sustainability Suite platform, which delivers a single, easy-to-consume dashboard. Sustainability Suite enables the seamless bringing together of multiple data sources across your business and extracts meaning and predictive insights to meet your reporting requirements.

All in a turnaround time of no more than 6-8 weeks, we eliminate the complexity of sustainability reporting, drive reporting accuracy, and identify the impact of sustainability against your top and bottom lines.

Discover more on Toustone, or if you would like to discuss how our solutions can help you measure and strategise to meet the specific needs of your organisation, book an over-the-phone discussion.