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MTR is certainly leading the charge towards its sustainability goals backed up by auditable and accurate data. So you can imagine we were pretty excited about MTR Corporation Limited’s recent 15-year celebration special feature in the APAC Outlook Magazine.

MTR magazine excerpt

Not only did it showcase MTR’s commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and advancing technology to enhance its global operations, but also how they are driving innovation across its rail and property portfolio, leveraging AI tools to minimise its carbon footprint and implementing smart mobility solutions.

MTR’s collaboration with local technology providers, such as in Australia, highlights the importance of partnerships in delivering game-changing performance tools through data management.

This resonates deeply with us at Toustone.

CEO Craig Lefoe said,

“Our focus on leveraging data and machine learning to support organisations to make more meaningful decisions, such as our Sustainability Suite designed to quantify and support low-carbon transport solutions, is something we are passionate about.”

“We are inspired by MTR’s dedication to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and implementing green initiatives across its services and projects, and are proud to be associated with companies like MTR,”

Service Delivery Director and Co-Founder Adam Sharp explains how Toustone has worked extensively with multiple transport owners and operators to help them understand and predict their energy use and carbon footprint, steering them closer to their goals.

“By implementing our sustainability suite, one of our Australian transport operator clients was able to make smarter and better investment decisions for alternative renewables; supporting cost savings and the ability to reduce consumption.”

“Through our data partnership with MTR, we couldn’t be more excited about how we can keep working together to drive positive change in the transportation industry and build a greener, more sustainable future,”

Adam said.

We’ll leave you with this excerpt from the MTR feature on page 11 of the Magazine:

“As a low-carbon transport provider serving the public with the purpose of keeping cities moving, MTR strives to contribute to the sustainable development of society.

Reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is one of the three environmental and social objectives of the company. As such, over the past year, MTR has actively implemented a series of green initiatives in transport services, property businesses, and new railway development projects to reduce GHG emissions.”